Tag: Climate change

The Doomsday Glacier: A Ticking Time Bomb For Rising Seas

The Thwaites Glacier, also known as Doomsday Glacier, is located in West Antarctica. According to this study from Pennsylvania...

What Will Happen If We Reach Net Zero Emissions?

Net zero emission is a concept that means the balance of the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse...

Nature Based Solutions To Climate Change – Innovative Technologies Inspired by Nature

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, scientists and engineers are turning to the most efficient...

How Will Life End On Earth – Possible Scenarios and Their Implications

The future of Earth is a complex and uncertain topic, which has various potential scenarios that scientists explore. According...

Are Beluga Whales Endangered? | Why Are Beluga Whales Endangered?

The beluga whale is a cetacean found in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. It is well-known for its distinctive...

What Does Net Zero Emissions Mean? – Why it is very important for us?

Net zero emissions is a concept, which means the amount of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere is balanced...

What Do Arctic Wolves Eat?

Arctic wolves are a subspecies of gray wolves adapted to the harsh Arctic environments of North America and Greenland....

What Do Walruses Eat – Walrus’s Diet Facts?

Walruses are large marine mammals that primarily feed on benthic organisms such as clams, mussels, and other mollusks. They...

Why Are Coral Reefs Important – Benefit of Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are huge structures underwater that are deposited and built by coral polyps. While corals are marine invertebrates...

How many Javan Rhinos are left? – Javan Rhinos Population

The Javan Rhino is one of the rarest mammals on earth, with an estimated population of only 67 individuals...

Rhinos Population: How Many Rhinos Are Left In The World?

According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are fewer than 29,000 rhinos left in the world. This is a...

How Many Polar Bears Left In The World – Polar Bear Population

The estimated number of polar bears left in the world is between 22,000 and 31,000. Polar Bears are the...