
What Lives In Mariana Trench?

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean, which is found in the Pacific Ocean, plunging over 36,000 feet (11,1000 meters). It’s...

The Longest Living Person Without A Pancreas

The pancreas is an essential organ of the human body located in the abdomen behind the stomach. It acts both as an endogenous and...

Do Rhinos Horns Grow Back?

Yes, rhino horns grow back. Just like the fingernails and hair of humans, rhino horns grow throughout their life....

Are Beluga Whales Endangered? | Why Are Beluga Whales Endangered?

The beluga whale is a cetacean found in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. It is well-known for its distinctive...

Why Do Polar Bears Have Black Skin? – What Color Is A Polar Bears?

The polar bear is a well-known bear species that roams the ice sheets of the Arctic and swims in...

Why Was The Chainsaw Invented For Childbirth?

The invention of the chainsaw is an important milestone in medical history. It has been used for a variety...

What Do Humpback Whales Eat? – Humpback Whale Diet

Humpback whales have clever techniques to hunt their food, like jumping to catch food or using one of their...

Why Are Killer Whales Going Extinct?

Orcas are mainly known as the killer whales. They are the top predator of the oceans and are the...