
How Many Planets Are There In The Milky Way?

The universe that surrounds us contains billions of galaxies and trillions of stars and planets in them. Scientists have used different methods to estimate...

Where Does The Sun’s Magnetic Field Come From?

The sun is a glowing ball of gasses at the centre of our solar system. It is made of a gas-like material called plasma,...

Jupiter vs Sun: How Many Jupiters Can Fit Into The Sun?

The Sun and Jupiter are two of the largest celestial bodies in the solar system. The Sun is a...

When Will Saturn’s Rings Disappear?

Saturn’s rings are the most complex and enormous ring system of any planet in the solar system. It consists...

How Many Earths Would Fit in the Sun? Earth Size Compared to Sun

The Sun is a blazing celestial giant, which captivates our cosmic curiosity. The Sun is our solar system's central...

Where is the Earth in the Milky Way? Earth and the Milky Way

Earth resides approximately 26,000 light-years away from the galactic centre. Our planet finds its place within one of the...

How Many Black Holes Are There? 

Estimating the number of black holes is difficult because they are not directly detectable, however, astronomers are tirelessly working...

Parasitic Black Holes Could Be Hiding Inside Stars

A new paper has been introduced in the world of black holes according to which astronomers might have found...