What Is Albert Einstein Most Known For?

  • Albert Einstein is well known for several reasons. Especially, for revolutionising the history of theoretical physics by giving “Theories of Relativity”.
  • He devised a gravitational revolution through his theories
  • Albert changed our point of view towards space, time, gravity, and the entire universe.
  • He helped to create nuclear power plants and atomic bombs by introducing the formula of mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2).
  • He introduced Quantum theory (law of Photoelectric effect) and won the Nobel Prize for it.
  • Besides physics, he also contributed to the field of mathematics. Today, most of the inventions are inspired by his techniques regardless of direct and indirect relation to them.

What is Albert Einstein famous for?

Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Einstein is famous for being the most influential personality, great thinker, and genius in the history of physics.
  • He introduced the law of photoelectric effect for which he was granted the 1921 “Nobel Prize”.

What is Albert Einstein most famous for?

  • Einstein is most famous for giving two interrelated theories known as general relativity theory and special relativity theory.
  • These theories explain how and why masses attract each other.

Also Read: What is the biggest black hole in the universe?

Why was Albert Einstein important?

  • Albert is a very important personality for changing the entire concept of theoretical physics.
  • He truly devised a gravitational revolution through his theories.
  • Else’s importance was boosted through the formula E=mc2.
  • This formula helped scientists to create nuclear and atomic powers.

What did Einstein invent – Albert Einstein inventions?

  • Today, we are using GPS Systems for location tracking. These systems truly explain the theory given by Einstein (theory of relativity).
  • The work of Albert Einstein gave power to physics to develop Nuclear Power Plants.
  • All the TV remote controls and DVD players are based on his principles.
  • Einsteins-Szilard was a famous invention of his and one of his students (Leó Szilárd – 1926). This invention took place in 1926.
  • It is an absorption refrigerator that doesn’t require much but a heat source to operate well.
  • He invented the Gas Absorption Heat Pump. This device is capable of recovering renewable energy.

List of inventions of Albert Einstein:

  • Einstein’s Refrigerators or Einsteins-Szilard (1926)
  • Gas Absorption Heat Pump.
  • Manhattan Project (Atomic Bomb – 1945).

What did Einstein discover –  Albert Einstein discoveries?

Einstein Discoveries

  • Einstein mathematically proved the existence of atoms and molecules (Brownian Movement).
  • He gave his theory of relativity and discovered his well-known mass-energy-equivalence formula, E=mc2.
  • Through his theory, he revolutionized theoretical physics and gave a new concept about space-time. He explained that space-time is actually a four-dimensional fabric that bends whenever a mass moves on it.
  • Through this discovery, he helped science to invent Nuclear power plants and atomic bombs.
  • His other major discovery is a quantum theory (the law of photoelectric effect), for which he won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.

List of discoveries of Albert Einstein?

  • Brownian Movement (existence of atoms & molecules).
  • Nuclear Energy (E=mc2).
  • Theory of Relativity.
  • Law of Photoelectric Effect.

Albert Einstein list of theories – Einstein theories?

Theories of Einstein

  • Brownian Movement (existence of atoms & molecules – 1905).
  • Law of Photoelectric (Quantum Physics – 1905).
  • Mass-Energy Equivalence (E=mc2  -1905).
  • Special and General Theory of Relativity (1905 – 1915)
  • Existence of Gravitational waves (1916).
  • Einstein Static Universe (1917)
  • Einstein-Cartan theory (1922)
  • Friedmann-Einstein Universe (1931)

What is Einstein theory of relativity – Albert Einstein relativity theory?

Theory of Relativity

  • The theory of relativity is actually two interrelated theories called “Special Theory of Relativity” & “General Theory of Relativity”.
    • Special Relativity theory revolves around almost all physical marvels including time, speed of light and others. This theory was published in 1905.
    • In Special Relativity theory, Einstein explained that it is possible for time to be different but the speed of light is always the same regardless of the place of the observer.
    • General Relativity theory revolves around gravity and the curvature of space-time. In his theory he said falling mass in space-time can influence the surroundings.
    • He called space-time fabric and showed that falling mass is causing a dimple in this fabric that means it bends. Further, he explained that due to this curve other masses around slip towards this matter.
    • The importance of his theory increased over Newton’s theory because it explained Mercury’s Orbit.

Albert Einstein’s Gravity Theory:

  • According to Einstein’s concept of gravity, it is not described as force, in fact, it is just a consequence of an uneven distribution of mass on a wide fabric called space-time.
  • Due to the curve created by the weight of falling mass on this fabric other matter slips towards it (explained in general theory). So we call it the attraction or ability of masses to free fall.

Albert Einstein’s Quantum Theory – Albert Einstein Quantum Physics:

  • Albert Einstein is known as the third founder of quantum theory. According to his point of view, quantum theory should be seen on an atomic level.
  • He explained that light is in the form of small packets of energy called photons. Einstein called those small packets “quanta”.
  • Hence, this theory states that metals emit electrons when light hits them which is known as the photoelectric effect.

Albert Einstein Quantum Mechanics:

  • Although Albert and Neil Bohar gave the foundation to “Quantum Mechanics” but Albert Einstein never supported it because he was against it.
  • He always believed that everything is definite and quantum mechanics is quite uncertain hence he rejected it.
  • The Quantum Mechanics he developed is considered as one of the two pillars of modern physics (the other is Relativity).

Albert Einstein Black Hole Theory:

  • Einstein was the first predictor of black holes with the help of his general theory (1915).
  • Well, Albert denied the phenomena of black holes several times. Because he believed that a collapsing star would always twirl faster and faster before collapsing into a singularity (explained in a published paper by Albert in 1939).

Albert Einstein Time Theory:

  • As a sheer genius Albert always came up with a unique point of view about almost everything in physics —so in the “Theory of time”.
  • In the theory of time, he explained that time is an “illusion” and it varies from place to place, depending upon a person’s location.
  • His theory of special relativity explains that the time of a person could be slower in a spaceship that is flying at the speed of light (299, 792 458 m/s) than the time for his twin on Earth.
  • Now to observe time between both twins, calculate their age.
  • You will see a clear difference in their age and that is because of time dilation of Space.
  • As explained earlier, time variation depends upon the person’s location.
  • Hence it is proved that time is not constant. In space, it runs so slow that you might think that time has stopped.
  • On the other hand, time on Earth is fast enough that the person coming from space would be much younger than his twin on Earth.

Albert Einstein and Time Travel:

  • According to Einstein theories, time travelling is just an illusion. Because in his point of view “time” itself is an illusion.
  • Time travelling in this case could only be possible if a person in space is moving at the speed of light.
  • Else he proved that none could be faster than the speed of light hence anything moving at the speed of light will definitely have an impact on time.

Contributions of Albert Einstein:

  • Following are some of the contributions of Einstein:
    • Brownian Movement (existence of atoms & molecules).
    • Atomic Power
    • GP System
    • Screens (Computer, TV)
    • CDs and DVDs.
    • Laser System (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations)
    • Satellite and their controlling systems

Albert Einstein Contributions To Atomic Theory:

  • Einstein was the first person who mathematically proved the existence of atoms and explained that matter is composed of small particles known as atoms.
  • Additionally, he revealed that these small molecules are always in an unstoppable motion.

Albert Einstein Contributions to Science – Albert Einstein Contributions to Math:

Albert Einstein contributions to science

  • In science, Albert came up with the idea of atomic theory, explaining the nature and construction of atoms.
  • He revealed that atoms are made up of small molecules and are always in motion.
  • The major contributions of Einstein to physics are his Theories of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, which are considered as the two pillars of modern physics.
  • Along with his contribution to theoretical physics, he is also well known for his contributions to maths.
  • He contributed to maths by giving some of his famous 10 equations known as Einstein Field Equations (1915).
  • He gave mathematical models of curves of space-time and stress-energy inflicted on it. Moreover, he is a mathematical demonstrator of Quantum theory (photoelectric effect).

Time quote Albert Einstein:

“Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.”

Fun Facts of Albert Einstein:

  • Albert started speaking at the age of “4”.
  • He loved to play violin in his free time to entertain himself.
  • Einstein had 5 nationalities including German, Prussian, Weimar, American, and swiss.
  • Albert was a great self-learner so he learned geometry, algebra, and calculus all by himself (age 14).
  • He wasn’t a well-known inventor but today, most of the inventions  are based on his principles.
  • He is one of those influential people in history who won the Nobel Prize (1921).
  • Albert aimed to limit the use of nuclear power in atomic bombing to establish a peaceful use of nuclear energy.
  • Albert had two marriages. His 1st wife was Mileva Maric (a former student of his class and Physicist by profession) and 2nd wife was Elsa Einstein (Scientist).

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