
What If The Earth’s Core Stops Spinning?

7000 kilometres wide, Earth’s Inner core has shown signs of stopping and reversing its spin since 2009. But the question arises, what would be...

From Crust To Core: A Detailed Look At The Layers Of Earth

There are three main layers of earth based on the chemical composition, including: Crust, Mantle, and core. However, if we distinguish the layers of...

What Lives In Mariana Trench?

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean, which is found in the Pacific Ocean, plunging over...

The Doomsday Glacier: A Ticking Time Bomb For Rising Seas

The Thwaites Glacier, also known as Doomsday Glacier, is located in West Antarctica. According to this study from Pennsylvania...

Do Rhinos Horns Grow Back?

Yes, rhino horns grow back. Just like the fingernails and hair of humans, rhino horns grow throughout their life....

What Will Happen If We Reach Net Zero Emissions?

Net zero emission is a concept that means the balance of the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse...

Megalodon Speed: How Fast Is A Megalodon?

The Megalodon, scientifically known as Otodus megalodon, is an extinct species of giant mackerel shark that roamed the oceans...

Why Did NASA Stop Exploring The Ocean?

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is a renowned US government agency primarily focused on aerospace and aeronautics research,...