Tag: endangered

Why Are Killer Whales Going Extinct?

Orcas are mainly known as the killer whales. They are the top predator of the oceans and are the...

Why Are Arctic Wolves Endangered – Arctic Wolves Status

The Arctic wolf is a subspecies of gray wolf that is also known as polar wolf or white wolf....

How Dangerous Are Rhinos? How To Survive a Rhino Attack

Rhinoceroses or rhinos are massive and large seized odd-toed ungulates from the family Rhinocerotidae. There are five living species...

Why are Gorillas Important to the ecosystem – Why Gorillas Matter More Than You Think

Gorillas are the majestic creatures of the African tropical forests. They are extremely important because they are the keystone...

Rhinos Population: How Many Rhinos Are Left In The World?

According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are fewer than 29,000 rhinos left in the world. This is a...

What Do Beluga Whales Eat – Beluga Whale Diet Facts

Beluga whales are a species of toothed whale that inhabit the cold waters of the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions....

How Many Polar Bears Left In The World – Polar Bear Population

The estimated number of polar bears left in the world is between 22,000 and 31,000. Polar Bears are the...

How Many Killer Whales Are Left In The World – Orca Population

Killer whale or Orca is an iconic species of cetaceans that belongs to the family of oceanic dolphins. It...