How Many Times Humans Have Been to the Moon

Regarding human visits, we have been to the moon around six times. American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time on July 20, 1969. 

Other countries like Russia, Japan, China, ESA (European space agency), and even India tried to put their probes on the moon. Many of them landed on the moon’s surface, but these countries failed to put a man there; however, only the USA (United States of America) successfully conducted six crewed missions to the lunar surface.

How Many Times Humans Have Been to the Moon

The six successful landings between the years 1969 to 1972 are as follows:

  • Apollo 11 (16 July 1969).
  • Apollo 12 (14 Nov 1969).
  • Apollo 14 (31 Jan 1971).
  • Apollo 15 (26 Jul 1971).
  • Apollo 16 (16 April 1972).
  • Apollo 17 (7 Dec 1972).

Only 24 astronauts were sent to the moon. Out of which, 12 astronauts managed to walk on the lunar surface. The last Apollo 17 mission of sending humans to the moon was the most successful visit in human history to date. 

Apollo 17 Mission was the most extended lunar landing with a 12-day mission. It broke all records because the astronauts had the longest walk on the moon. Additionally, this was the only mission in which astronauts brought about 115 kgs of rocks and other samples to Earth.

How many people have been to the moon?

There were mainly 24 people who successfully visited the moon in six US Apollo missions; however, only 12 out of 24 happened to land on the lunar surface. Neil Armstrong was the first man ever to land on the moon in the history of mankind. While Eugene Cernan is the last man till the date to land on the lunar surface

How many people have walked on the moon so far?

Surprisingly, only 24 astronauts visited the moon. 12 out of 24 people managed to walk on the lunar surface. Of all 24 astronauts, there were only three American astronauts named James Lovell (Apollo 8 /13), John Young (Apollo 10/16), and Eugene Cernan (Apollo 10/17) who got another chance to visit and walk on the moon.

Out of 12 lucky men, four moonwalkers named Aldrin from Apollo 11, David Scott from Apollo 15, Charles Duke from Apollo 16 and Harrison Schmitt from Apollo 17 are still alive. 

Who Are The 12 Astronauts Who Walked On The Moon?

Name of the 12 astronauts who walked on the surface of the moon are as follows:

  • Neil Armstong (Apollo 11 astronaut, on July 20, 1969).
  • Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11 astronaut, July 20, 1969).
  • Alan Bean and Charles Conard (Apollo 12 astronauts, November 1969).
  • Edgar Mitchell and Alan Shepard (Apollo 14 astronauts, Feb 5, 1971).
  • James Irwin and David Scott (Apollo 15 astronauts, Aug 1, 1971).
  • Charles Duke and John Young (Apollo 16 astronauts, April 21, 1972).
  • Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan (Apollo 17 astronauts, December 1972). 

What Countries Have Put A Man To The Moon?

Many countries like Russia, Japan, China, the European Space Agency (ESA) and India, all of them have sent their probes but failed to put a man on the moon. However, the USA (United States of America) is the only country that successfully landed its crewed spacecraft on the moon at least six times from 1969 to 1972.  

List Of Six Successful Crewed Missions To The Moon:

The six successful landings between the years 1969 to 1972 are as follows:

  • Apollo 11 (16 July 1969).
  • Apollo 12 (14 Nov 1969).
  • Apollo 14 (31 Jan 1971).
  • Apollo 15 (26 Jul 1971).
  • Apollo 16 (16 April 1972).
  • Apollo 17 (7 Dec 1972).

Who was the last person to walk on the moon?

Apollo 17 spacecraft was the final lunar landing mission. Eugene Cernan was the last person to walk on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. Cernan had also been to the moon in the Apollo 10 mission. He had a record of the longest walk on the lunar surface for 22 hours, managing to collect about 115 kg of rocks and other material samples. 

When Was The Last Manned Moon Landing?

On December 11, 1972, humans happened to land on the moon for the last time. Apollo 17 Spacecraft managed to land in the valley of Taurus littrow (near the south-eastern edge of Mare Serenitatis crater). The astronauts’ named Commander Eugene Cernan and Module Pilot Harrison Schmitt travelled around 29-30 kilometres for about 74-75 hours.

It was the only mission that broke many previous records for being the longest space walk and lunar landing. In this mission, astronauts managed to bring the largest lunar samples back to Earth.

Why did we stop going to the moon?

We stopped visiting the moon because it was so expensive. The plans to visit the moon have always been driven by money. The Kennedy’s Government, back in 1962, estimated $7 billion dollars as the expense of the moon visit, but it turned out to be more expensive, and the total cost was $20 billion dollars. Due to the large amounts spent on space travel, it became a significant point of disagreement.

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