The beluga whale also known as the white whale is a majestic toothed-whale species found in the coastal waters of the Arctic ocean. They are also found in the adjoining seas of the Arctic ocean. Belugas are highly migratory species and travel in large groups (known as pods) throughout the year. Here, we gathered all information about the habitat and migration of beluga whales.
Where Are Beluga Whales Found?
The beluga whale is a toothed whale species that are found in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters throughout the world. Their habitat range is from Alaska to Greenland, as well as parts of Russia, Norway, and Canada.

They inhabit the coastal waters as well as coastal rivers and bays; including the sea of Okhotsk, the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering Sea, the Beaufort sea, the Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. During the summer months, they migrate towards the south and can also be found in estuaries along Hudson Bay and James Bay.
Beluga whales are also found in large rivers (like Russia’s Amur River, and Canada’s St. Lawrence and Yukon Rivers) during specific times of the year, especially when they are migrating.
Belugas are commonly found in shallow coastal waters, but they are also known to live in deep waters for long periods where they feed and give birth.

Where can I see a beluga whale?
Beluga whales can be visited and seen in their natural habitats. In North America, Churchill (a town located on the western shore of Hudson Bay in the province of Manitoba, Canada) is one of the best places where visitors can see beluga whales in their natural habitat. In Canada, they can also be seen at the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Other places where beluga whales can be seen in their natural habitats include Svalbard (Norway), Cook Inlet (Alaska, USA), the Sea of Okhotsk off the eastern coast of Russia near Japan, and the Kamchatka Peninsula. Besides that, beluga whales can be seen at many aquariums around the world.
Do beluga whales migrate?
Yes, beluga whales are highly migratory and travel in large groups throughout the year. They have a seasonal migratory pattern, which passes from parents to offspring. Some populations are known to travel as far as 6,000 km per year. When the ice formation starts in the Arctic during autumn, they travel towards the south. So they spend their winter in the open sea alongside the packed ice. To surface and breathe, they use open areas of water surrounded by sea ice (polynyas).
When ice sheets become melted in the summer season, they travel to northern coastal feeding sites. They are found in shallow water about 1 to 3 meters deep, however, they also sometimes migrate toward waters as deep as 800 m. In the summer season, they inhabit estuaries and the shallow waters of continental shelves. Sometimes they even swim into the rivers.
Some populations of beluga whales are known to not follow this migratory pattern, for example, those found in the St. Lawrence estuary (Canada) and the Cook Inlet (Alaska).
Are beluga whales only in Canada?
No, beluga whales are not restricted to Canada and are found in much of the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. Their habitat range is from Alaska to Greenland, as well as regions around Russia and Norway.
In Canada, belugas are found off the coasts of Newfoundland & Labrador, Quebec, Nunavut & Northwest Territories. As they are highly migratory creatures, they migrate to other regions outside Canada, like the San Francisco Bay of California. So it is not accurate to say that beluga whales are found only in Canada, instead, we can say that the habitat range of belugas covers some regions in Canada.
Are Beluga Whales In The USA?
Yes, the habitat range of beluga covers some regions of Alaska, USA. Beluga whales are found in the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding waters in the northern hemisphere. In the USA, they are found at the western coast of Alaska from Bristol Bay to Cook Inlet. They are known to travel as far south as Monterey Bay off the central coast of California. A small population of belugas is known to live in the Beaufort Sea of Alaska throughout the year.